
Raspberry PI Git Webhook...

要做blog移轉,筆記先存檔… 不過這篇可能不用實作了 GitHub Continuous deployment to a Raspberry Pi | The Sociable Geek Localtunnel - 分享 Localhost Web Server - 蟑螂窩

[BitBucket]做git pull一直問你輸入密碼

前幾個月有個程式,因為需要多人做設定檔 所以就使用bitbucket來管理 在樹莓派一直遇到要打帳號、密碼 其怪,私鑰那些我都要試過阿 結果Google一下,發現這篇 Git on Bitbucket: Always asked for password, even after uploading my public SSH key - Stack Overflow 預設是https情況下會問密碼 在.git/config把網址改成ssh網址確實可運做了 ssh:// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 As explained here, if you clone with SSH url, you don't need to enter username / password each time you push / pull. Check above answer by @manojlds But if you want to clone with HTTPS and want to avoid entering username / password each time, you can store credentials into cache with below command: git config --global credential.

Server Side Includes(SSI)記錄


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