shell script 布林運算順序
一般寫程式都有 not and or 順序去做運算
但今天我發現 shell script 運算結果跟(別的)程式結果不太一樣
查了一下發現,shell script 是由左往右
這邊就很清楚,說shell 布林運算都是左到右
In many computer languages, operators with the same precedence are left-associative. That is, in the absence of grouping structures, leftmost operations are executed first. Bash is no exception to this rule.
This is important because, in Bash, && and || have the same precedence.
So what happens in your example is that the leftmost operation (||) is carried out first:
bash - Precedence of the shell logical operators &&, || - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
if 多條件 boolean 寫法
可用 && , ||
可用 bash [[
和 ]]
發現 sh 也可以用 (
Bash if statement with multiple conditions throws an error - Stack Overflow
Multiple conditions in if statement shell script - Stack Overflow
shell - Boolean operators ( &&, -a, ||, -o ) in Bash - Stack Overflow
bash - How to represent multiple conditions in a shell if statement? - Stack Overflow
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bash - How do you break an array in groups of n - Stack Overflow
Fastest way to tell if two files are the same in Unix/Linux? - Stack Overflow