

最後想到有 mysqldump

之前有想過 mysqldump 是 DBA 才會用到工具


mysqldump -uroot -p123 test > c:\test.sql
注意-u 和-p 後面帳號密碼要連在一起
參考:鯉魚智缺熊的網智: windows 下使用 command line dump & import mysql

但注意!!用 mysqldump 是會 lock DB 的

MyISAM tables require this locking because they don’t support transactions. However, InnoDB (the default storage engine as of MySQL 5.5.5) supports transactions. Mysqldump defaults to a conservative setting of locking everything, but we don’t need to use that default - we an avoid locking tables completely.
Mysqldump with Modern MySQL | Servers for Hackers

限制每個 table 數量

mysqldump -u [username] -p [dbname] {--opt} --where="true limit 100" > dump.sql

mysql dump of talble limit 100 - Server Fault

如果運行 mysqldump 沒有–quick 或–opt 選項,mysqldump 在轉儲結果前將整個結果集裝入內存。如果轉儲大資料庫可能會出現問題。該選項預設啟用,但可以用–skip-opt 禁用。

Jax 的工作紀錄: (轉載)mysqldump 5.1 資料備份詳細指令 [MySQL]

–opt    是 mysqldump 中的預設參數,參數功能相等於加入了 –add-drop-table –add-locks –create-options –disable-keys –extended-insert –-lock-tables –quick –set-charset 等參數

[MySQL]利用 mysqldump 備份 – FunMing 基地
FAQ 系列 | mysqldump 选项之 skip-opt-老叶茶馆-51CTO 博客



一、mysqldump 在備份數據庫時鎖表的問題
1、Use –skip-lock-tables mysqldump option. Your tables won’t be locked, but your backup might be not consistent (depends on your schema: if your database transactions touch several tables at once, and one table is already backed up and other is not. For example: two tables: customers and orders. If customers is backed up first, and then new customer/order pair is inserted, you might end up with order without customer in your backup).
This problem is primary reason why mysqldump locks all tables by default. If this issue does not apply to you, skipping the table locking in mysql is the most simple solution.
2、Use some other backup method. For example: Flush tables with read lock, create LVM snapshot, unlock tables, mount your LVM snapshot and back up your data. This gets quickly, much more complex than simple mysqldump.
If your MySQL data is not on a LVM volume, you can create a slave MySQL server and back it up, without touching the master, so locking occurs on the slave and master is always free.
可以參考「lvm 備份 mysql 數據庫參考」,這篇文章。

mysqldump 在备份数据库的问题集-FreeOA

最後 SQL

mysqldump -uroot -p123 test –skip-lock-tables  > c:\test.sql

mysqldump 与 innobackupex 备份过程你知多少 - xiaoboluo768 - 博客园
MySQL Database Export (100 Rows from each table in a database) - Stack Overflow <—這個我沒有嘗試
使用 mysqldump 倒出 MySQL 所有資料庫(表) 固定筆數的資料 | Tsung’s Blog