最近朋友問我有沒有用程式方法套進去 Word
我是有跟他提到有 合併列印、VBA
竟然發現找到【茶包射手日記】純 JavaScript DOCX 套版元件 Debug-黑暗執行緒
原來網頁版 js 就能做到這種事
因為我有先找到js-excel-template - npm
- sheet 多筆資料不會套用
- 塞多筆 table 資料,可能下面用總計,不會自動往下移
- Excel 有設定一些格式不會用
- Templater - reporting Library for .NET and Java
- GitHub - wilson6/NPOI-Template: C# 根据 NPOI 模版去生成复杂的 EXCEL 表格,标签化。
- GitHub - optilude/xlsx-template: A NodeJS module to generate Excel files in .xlsx format from a template created with Excel itself
- GitHub - ivahaev/go-xlsx-templater: Simple xlsx template based document generator
- GitHub - ngs-doo/TemplaterExamples: Creating reports in .NET and Java
- GitHub - anmoroz/xlsx-template-php: A library for templating of Excel Office documents. Supports MS Excel xlsx. Uses PHPExcel library.
- GitHub - optimistex/xlsx-template-ex: The template engine for generate xlsx documents
- poi-tl
- GitHub - shadz3rg/PHPStamp: The XSL-way templating library for MS Office Word DOCX documents.
- GitHub - guigrpa/docx-templates: Template-based docx report creation
- GitHub - legion-zver/go-docx-templates
- GitHub - Skrol29/opentbs: With OpenTBS you can merge OpenOffice - LibreOffice and Ms Office documents with PHP using the TinyButStrong template engine. Simple use OpenOffice - LibreOffice or Ms Office to edit your templates : DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ODT, OSD, ODP and other formats. That is the Natural Template philosophy.
- GitHub - guigrpa/docx-templates: Template-based docx report creation
… 太多了,不列了
目前GitHub - Skrol29/opentbs: With OpenTBS you can merge OpenOffice - LibreOffice and Ms Office documents with PHP using the TinyButStrong template engine. Simple use OpenOffice - LibreOffice or Ms Office to edit your templates : DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ODT, OSD, ODP and other formats. That is the Natural Template philosophy.、GitHub - optilude/xlsx-template: A NodeJS module to generate Excel files in .xlsx format from a template created with Excel itself這幾個星星數比較多
Exwog - from Excel to Word reports generator (xls to doc, xlsx to docx) by template
GitHub - HY-Org/hy.common.report: 报表、Excel 操作类库。Java 转 Excel、Excel 转 Java
GitHub - hanzhaoxin/ExcelReport: This reporting engine is built on NPOI.
GitHub - Jimmy-JS/laravel-report-generator: Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf, CSV, & Excel Report Package on Laravel
GitHub - biezhi/excel-plus: ❇️ Improve the productivity of the Excel operation library. https://git.io/vNjQy
可以看這篇php-excel-templator 用範本(template)快速產生Excel方法 | 程式狂想筆記