我最近做 Electron 專案有用到 win32api,在Github Action編譯會卡住,原因不明,不過有找到解決方法。
細說我 Github Actions 狀況是跑到一半卡住,Action 會一直運行,想說放著讓他跑,但沒想到沒有成功,超過6小時 Github Action 把他關掉了。
You can disable rebuilding with npmRebuild: ‘false’ in the config - but it would definitely be ideal if Electron-Builder could detect the need and rebuild only if needed. We ended up disabling it, but that has its own issues like accidentally building with broken node deps.
npmRebuild: 'false'
GITHUB ACTION 應該就能順利。祝大家都順利。